Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Last Day as a Nine-Year-Old

Yup, you read right. Tomorrow, I'll be ten! I can hardly wait.

Isn't it funny that my birthday is so close to Piper's? For those of you who don't read her blog, Pleasant Piper, Piper just turned eleven.

I won't be able to have a big party like her, though, because not many girls my age live around here. All of my friends from school except Samantha live in vacation houses miles from home during the summer, so I never really get to have parties on my birthday.

I've heard rumors from some neighbors that another girl might--well, I suppose I'm getting off topic. The important thing is that I'm excited about my birthday! Yay!

Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post. Speaking of pictures, a new stop motion is in the works and will arrive at our Youtube channel, missdancergrl99, very soon!

Your excited blogger,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Playing with Dolls

Samantha and I had a playdate today. Again, it was cold outside, so we stayed in and played with our dolls.

Here I am with my aviator doll who looks like Amelia Earhart. Last year, when we had to do a biography report, I brought Amelia to show my class.

Samantha's doll, Marie, looks like the main character in the ballet, The Nutcracker. Samantha wants me to write that you might know her as Clara or Masha; I guess she has lots of names depending on which company is performing it. My friend was excited that her dress looks kind of like Marie's!

Here's a final picture of us all together. Isn't this a cute pose?


P.S. Only two days until my birthday!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Morning Walk with Coconut

Hello, again. Guess what I did today? Well, you probably already guessed by the title of this post. I took Coconut for a walk! Coconut belongs to one of my neighbors. She pays me $10 a week to walk her once a day. Maybe I'll use the money to buy something for myself. I'm not sure. Anyway, here are some cute pictures.

Surprisingly, she wasn't tugging on the leash like she usually does.

It was so cold and cloudy. The "June gloom" usually clears off by 11:00 a.m. or so, but it's lingering all day. I had to wear the thick sweater and hat that we bought at a boutique during the American Girl Fashion Show a few years ago. The scarf was made by my grandma. Don't you think it's cute? I agree, but it's very unreasonable for this time of year.

Coconut practically begged to play fetch, so I had to agree. Who could say no to that cute face?

Doggies and dreary days,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Best Friend

Hi, guys. Today, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Samantha Alice Parkington. She is (let's face it) an all-around, gorgeous girly-girl! She ADORES pink and fashion, and is an amazing dancer, model, and actress.

Samantha often complains about the lack of designer couture around here in Reisbrook, and when she reads about a girl from another blog getting a Melody Valerie or Liberty Jane outfit, she gets very jealous.

I could never hope for a better buddy. Sam is always there to have fun with, and I know I can trust her. We love hanging out and going to school together.

Samantha actually moved here before me, and has lived here for 5+ years. Wow... She's also over a month older than me--her tenth birthday was May 20th, but some people think I'm older, because Sam is really petite.

In a few years, when we start seventh grade and will be boarding at Birch Hill Academy for Young Ladies, (what is it with this town and girls' schools?) we are definitely going to room together.

Well, I'm off to Samantha's house! Bye for now!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hi, I'm Kit, and this is my blog! To kick things off, I'll tell you a bit about myself.

I like writing, cooking, and eating ice cream. I hate frills and large amounts of pink. According to my mom, pink is okay in moderation. Oh yeah...I love learning new words!

Sometimes, people tell me my imagination is too big, but I think they're wrong. Maybe their imaginations are just too small. Every once in a while, I end up being a secret agent or reporter instead of doing my homework. Oops...

I just finished fourth grade at Reisbrook Secondary School for Girls. It has grades 4 through 6, so it's nice and small. It's a bit cozier that way. I love summer, partly because of the prospect of sleeping in, partly because of my birthday on July 1st, and partly because I will be able to post here!

I have been reading other people's blogs for a while (some of my favorites are Super Inky, Mari Luna's Wonderful Blog, and Pleasant Piper) but I haven't had time until now to start my own. I'm really excited about this!

Thanks for stopping by...more posts (definitely!) to come.

Until next time,