Friday, December 24, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Oh my gosh! I haven't posted since Thanksgiving and it's already Christmas Eve? Where has the time gone? Well, until school got out on the 17th, I was madly finishing articles for the December edition of the school newspaper, assembling goodie bags for all my friends at school, and studying for all of the day-before-winter-break tests and quizzes. How could teachers be so cruel?

Then, it was time to finish decorating for Christmas, bake cookies, (I didn't put enough flour in the first batch of chocolate chip ones...what a disaster. And I thought I was a good cook!) and help my mom and dad send cards and packages to what seems like everyone on the face of the earth. Plus, I have to finish reading a book for a report due sometime in January.

ANYWAY, what you're probably waiting for is the photos. Here they are, alternating between holiday shots of Samantha and me...

Click here to watch our Youtube greeting!

I'll try to post tomorrow, but if I can't, I wish everybody a very merry Christmas!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey, guys! Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Just thought I'd wish you a happy Thanksgiving and invite you to check out my mom's blog here.

I might post some Thanksgiving/fall photos soon. Hope you're all having a great time off from school like I am. I just enjoyed some of my grandma's pumpkin cheesecake. Mmmmmm...

Thanksgiving wishes,
Kit :D

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun

Samantha and I just got back from collecting loads of candy! Here's a picture my mom took of us before we left.

Do you like our costumes? We put them together last week.

You can see Samantha's hair better in this one.

The treat buckets are adorable, aren't they?

Happy Halloween!

:D Kit

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Student Council Election

Hello, Samantha here! I haven't posted in a while, and I want to tell you about the Student Council Election we had on Friday, October 8. It was so much fun!

At about 10 a.m., everyone filed into the auditorium for a mini-rally. Mr. Anderson, the SC adviser, introduced all of the candidates.

5th graders could run for 5th Grade Rep, Secretary, Historian, or Commissioner of activities. 6th graders could run for President, Vice President, Secretary, or Historian. I ran for 5th grade rep, but I definitely want to be President next year.

After everyone had stopped cheering, all the candidates sat in the chairs lined up on stage. Everyone gave their speech, one after another.

When it was my turn, I approached the podium and displayed my biggest (and best) poster. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to give the speech I had practiced for a month.

"Good morning, students of Reisbrook Secondary School for Girls," I began. "My name is Samantha Parkington and I'm running for 5th Grade Rep. I'm reliable, organized, and friendly, so I'd be great for the job.

"All of my friends know that I love pink, so I came up with a motto that's easy to remember: think pink, vote Sam.

"But why should you think pink, vote Sam? Well, first, I am very involved in our school. Every year, I participate in the Talent Show, the Spelling Bee, the Science Fair, and more. Right now, I'm rehearsing for the Drama Department's fall play. I love having fun at school, and being on Student Council would help me become even more involved.

"Next," I continued, "I have many ideas to make RSSG an even better place. I think we should have a Spring Fundraiser in addition to the Fall Magazine Sale to raise money for more computers and technology for our school. Also, more students should volunteer to help teachers at lunch and recess to make their jobs less crazy.

"Finally, I would love to help plan fun dress-up days and activities. These include Winter Wear, Crazy Socks, and Beach Wear days. At lunch, we could have games, relays, races, and more, plus fun music to play in the cafeteria.

"Remember," I concluded, "I want the best for this school. Please think pink, vote Samantha Parkington for your 5th Grade Rep! Thank you!"

Everyone burst into applause. And guess who was screaming "GO, SAMANTHA!" at the top of her lungs and waving a "Vote for Sam, She's Got a Plan" sign? Kit, of course. She's the best.

I sat back down and barely listened to the rest of the speeches.

A while later, everyone hurried excitedly back to class. Ms. Bell handed out little slips of paper with every candidate's name printed on it. She reminded us to choose one from every category. We voted quickly, passed the ballots into a big box, and waited while Ms. Bell took it to the office.

The day was agonizingly long. Finally, five minutes before the end of school, the principal came over the loudspeaker.

"Congratulations to Secretary Kelly Burns, Commisioner of Activities Andrea Wilcox, 5th Grade Representative Samantha Parkington..."

"OH MY GOSH! I WON!" I screamed.

"CONGRATULATIONS, SAM!" the class screamed back.

And that's how I became RSSG's 2010-11 5th Grade Rep.

<3 Samantha

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Found...

...a very old picture! Well, not that old. Relatively old. It's from July 2007. My friends Emily and Nellie from another town got together with Samantha and me to make a couple of videos. They weren't very good videos, because we didn't really know how to use the camera, much less edit. And they were EXTREMELY* cheesy.

*I rarely use all capitals, so that tells you how cheesy these videos were.

Anyway, here is the pic.

We were all exhausted after spazzing out for about three hours. That explains the slightly messy hair and the weary expressions.

What has been going on this week? In a nutshell, everyone was busy. The main things happening at RSSG are homework, rehearsal, newspaper, and Student Council.

Thanks for reading! Happy Sunday!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

News, News, and More News

Dear Readers,

My life is so busy that I will only be able to post once (or possibly twice) a week for who knows how long. I've decided to do a long post every weekend with all the latest news. Sometimes it will include pictures, other times it will not.

The RSSG Post is going great. I'm having so much fun acting like a real reporter and getting to do my favorite thing--write! I've been assigned an article about the school's Magazine Sale Fundraiser. I took pictures of girls turning in their orders and at the ice cream social for everyone who sold three subscriptions or more. I also interviewed the principal about our success. I'm done with the first draft of my article, too! The first issue comes out on September 28th. I can't wait!

Next, Samantha has been working diligently. I help her by making a few posters for her Student Council campaign and watching her Peter Pan rehearsals.

I'm still doing Today's Adventurers, too. We're planning a bake sale to raise money for a trip to the zoo so we can see all the animals we've been learning about in our zoology unit.

On top of all this, there's that thing called homework! I spend about an hour and a half per night studying.

That's all for now! I'll post pictures when I can.

Your blogger,

P.S. Can you tell we've been working on friendly letters at school?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I am so incredibly JEALOUS!

The amazing Melody Valerie Couture line has sold out except for one dress. It's just not fair. If only I could have just one hand-made dress. Just ONE.

I love clothes and fashion, but the only thing around here for me to model is American Girl stuff. Which, I mean, is just fine, but Liberty Jane and Melody Valerie and L'Atelier de Sitara would be so much BETTER!

I mean, come on, Mom. I know that the MVC dress that's left is $50, but Sitara has a skirt left that's only $15! That's not bad, right? And I DID do a very good job on last week's math quiz.


<3 Samantha

Monday, September 6, 2010

Samantha's First Post

Hey...this is Samantha! Kit and I FINALLY figured out that for me to post on her blog, I have to have my own Google account.

We don't have school today because of Labor Day and Kit said I could post.

Yesterday afternoon, the RSSG Drama Department held an audition for the fall production of Peter Pan. I went to the dance segment of the audition from 3:00-3:45.

(I know I could get an acting part, but with my student council campaign, I won't have time to learn lines. The dancers don't have to rehearse quite as long.)

Here I am stretching before the audition...

...and here I am dancing!

The people asked me to do really easy stuff. I wasn't surprised I got in. I'm a dancing tree and a mermaid!

Thanks for reading my first post.

<3 Samantha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yesterday's Newspaper Meeting!

As you know, I went to the first meeting of the RSSG Post yesterday at lunch. It was a lot of fun!

The newspaper office is pretty small, so the entire staff will rarely be there at the same time. Twelve people came to the meeting, so six will come on Tuesdays at lunch, and the other six will come on Thursdays at lunch.

There's a whiteboard where Miss Clarion (she's the adviser, as well as one of the sixth grade teachers) and Gloria Epstein (she's the sixth grader Miss Clarion chose to be student editor) will write important information.

I guess they're going to get a bulletin board, too, to put up fliers for events newspaper staff will need to attend to report and take pictures.

Along the wall is a table with laptops on it. Since there are only two, you have to sign up for an after-school or lunch time slot to finish typing articles you didn't have time for during the meeting.

Finally, there is a little round table in the middle of the room where two or three people can come up with ideas. I sat there and took notes during the meeting.

Miss Clarion and Gloria told us all about the expectations of the newspaper. It seemed pretty simple: follow instructions, stick to deadlines, come to all the meetings, and work hard.

I'm so excited to be on the staff of the school paper! I can't wait to start reporting and writing. It's going to be my best year yet!

In other news, Samantha is attending a meeting tomorrow at recess to get more information on Student Council. I promised her I would help her with her campaign once she gets started, so we're going to meet at the school library after class to brainstorm.

Bye for now!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Extracurricular Activities

Today, we were walking out of class at the end of the day when Ms. Bell reminded us to check the bulletin board in the hallway. After the crowd of girls moved away, Samantha and I were able to see.

The board was peppered with colorful announcements. Auditions for Peter Pan, a request for library assistants...

"Look!" said Samantha, pointing to a light blue flier. "I can run for Student Council now that I'm a fifth grader!"

But I didn't care about that. The only thing I saw was a pale orange sheet of paper advertising a meeting for people interested in being on the staff of the RSSG Post, the school's newspaper.

"You have fun campaigning for Student Council," I told my friend. "I'm gonna be a reporter and writer for the Post."

"Oooh, Kit, that's perfect for you!" she squealed. "When's the meeting?"

I checked. "Tomorrow at lunch."

"That's okay. I'll sit with Tracy." Samantha giggled. She started babbling about Student Council as we slowly made our way to the exit of the school.

I promise to let you know everything that goes on at tomorrow's newspaper meeting! I can't wait!

-Kit, future newspaper staff member

P.S. I told you school would get interesting...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Fifth Grade!

Hello! Today was the long-awaited first day of school at RSSG.

I waited for my best friend in a corner of the hallway next to a hand-lettered banner in the school colors, purple and green. It looked like someone had hurriedly made that sign a few minutes before the students came inside. :D

Finally, I saw Samantha. She looked really nice and was all in pink, as usual.

"Kit! You look so preppy and cute!" she squealed. I laughed.

We talked for a minute or two until the bell rang and we headed to class.

There are two classes (20 or so kids in each) of fifth graders. Samantha and I both have Ms. Bell.

We didn't do much today, but we did have our school portraits taken. Here they are!


...and Samantha! Doesn't she look like a model? And her hair almost looks red! I wonder what color setting they used.

I'm sure exciting things will start happening at school soon!


Monday, August 23, 2010

School is Approaching!

Hey, guys!

I went shopping with my mom yesterday. I was buying stuff! I can't believe it starts on Wednesday. Isn't that crazy?

Since I don't need any new clothes, (but I want the Pet Show dress from American Girl! Some new jeans would be amazing, too.) I just got socks, shoes, headbands, and a cute little flower for my hair.

I have my lavender sweater and school bag all ready for the first day. I wish I had a cool lunchbox. Oh well. Paper or plastic bags work fine, I guess, but having a lunchbox would be cool AND eco-friendly.

Here is a pile of my school supplies. I hadn't used the diary yet, so it's going to be my school notebook. I also have paper, pencils, and scissors. Folders, flashcards, and anything else we'll need are provided by the teacher.

I randomly put Black Beauty in the "hands" of my unicorn, Lacy. By the way, I've read it twice and I'm (gasp!) growing tired of it. I've moved on to...The Wizard of Oz, which is another really good book!

I'm so excited for fifth grade, but I really don't want summer to end! :(

To cherish the last bit of vacation, I went outside and played with the bouncy ball I got for my birthday. I don't think I've shown you guys yet! It's really funky-looking, and it lights up when you bounce it.

It's been really hot out lately, so I stayed in the shade of my porch.

To the readers out there who don't start school for a while, I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer vacation! Let's have a great school year!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Julie's Visit!

Okay, you've been hearing about Julie for over a week. It's time I finally post about her! I hadn't uploaded the pictures. Fine, I was being lazy. Hey, it's summer, the best time to be lazy. :)

Anyway, I was chillin' in my (totally awesome) room when Samantha showed up. (I had invited her to sleep over while my friend was visiting.)

Then, in walked a girl with the longest blonde hair I have ever seen. "Julie!" I exclaimed, waving, then quickly introduced her to Samantha.

"Hi, Kit!" She giggled and sat down, pushing a box toward me. "I know your birthday was a long, long time ago, but I brought you a present."

I pulled off the lid.

Inside was a beautiful shell necklace!

"Do you like it?" asked Julie.

"I love it!" I said.

I slipped it on.

"Wow," said Samantha, "that's so cool." Julie plopped the bow on her head.

Then, we played Sorry! It's such a fun game. Samantha won the first game, and I won the second. Julie didn't mind. She's pretty easy-going.

It was time to put on our pajamas!

Mom had baked "cake" cookies. (One cake mix, two eggs, a half cup of vegetable oil.) We all grabbed one. Yum!

Julie volunteered to tell a scary story. {Mom wants me to write that this photo was inspired by Caity-did's Corner. Cool idea, Caitlin!}

It was finally bedtime. Nighty-night!

I had lots of fun with Julie, and I hope I get to see her again.

Please tell me what you think of my room!

Your friend,
Kit the Cookie Lover