Monday, August 30, 2010

Extracurricular Activities

Today, we were walking out of class at the end of the day when Ms. Bell reminded us to check the bulletin board in the hallway. After the crowd of girls moved away, Samantha and I were able to see.

The board was peppered with colorful announcements. Auditions for Peter Pan, a request for library assistants...

"Look!" said Samantha, pointing to a light blue flier. "I can run for Student Council now that I'm a fifth grader!"

But I didn't care about that. The only thing I saw was a pale orange sheet of paper advertising a meeting for people interested in being on the staff of the RSSG Post, the school's newspaper.

"You have fun campaigning for Student Council," I told my friend. "I'm gonna be a reporter and writer for the Post."

"Oooh, Kit, that's perfect for you!" she squealed. "When's the meeting?"

I checked. "Tomorrow at lunch."

"That's okay. I'll sit with Tracy." Samantha giggled. She started babbling about Student Council as we slowly made our way to the exit of the school.

I promise to let you know everything that goes on at tomorrow's newspaper meeting! I can't wait!

-Kit, future newspaper staff member

P.S. I told you school would get interesting...


  1. Oh how cool!!! That sounds perfect for you. :) Our school has a newspaper club thing too...but I haven't been able to do much for it because the girl who's in charge doesn't like me very much. Then again, she doesn't like anyone very much! XD

  2. Yeah, I can't wait. That reminds me, I wonder who's going to be student editor. Even though there's already a teacher adviser, a sixth grader is chosen to be student editor. When I'm in sixth grade next year, that's what I want to do. :)



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