Saturday, August 14, 2010

Nighttime Fun: Summer Camp Part 6

Have patience, faithful readers. This is the second-to-last post about summer camp!

Nights were a lot of fun, especially the last one. We always had free time to do whatever we wanted.

Addy did Kirsten's hair (thumbs up for the adorable mini buns!) and I read AG Magazine. Can you tell that Kirsten is reading my copy of Black Beauty? I lent it to her because I'm nice like that.

Addy and I were just chatting...

...when silly Kirsten came over and declared a pillow fight!

The battle was on. That pillow was soon flying through the air.

By this time, we were all cracking up.

Uh-oh...we could hear the couselor coming and quickly jumped into bed.

What a night! Aren't sleepovers fun?

Speaking of sleepovers, I promise promise promise you'll hear about Julie's visit this week! I just have to upload those photos.

--Kit, P.P.F. (Pro Pillow Fighter)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun .. pillow fights can be awesome for sure .. you are lucky to go to camp and enjoy your time there ..

    Cannot wait to hear about Julies visit ..



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